Are you looking for a budgeting method to help you take control of your finances with precision?

Zero-based budgeting might be just what you need.

This thorough guide is designed for beginners who are ready to dive into a budgeting technique that leaves no dollar unaccounted for.

What is Zero-Based Budgeting?

Zero-based budgeting (ZBB) is a method where you assign every dollar of your income to specific expenses, savings, and debt payments for each new budgeting period.

Unlike traditional budgeting, which may start with the previous month’s budget and adjust from there, ZBB starts from zero and requires justification for every dollar spent.

The Steps to Zero-Based Budgeting

1. Income Assessment

Income assessment is the initial and crucial step in budgeting, where you calculate the total amount of money you expect to receive for a given period, typically a month.

This calculation should encompass all sources of income, not just your primary salary. It includes earnings from part-time jobs, freelance gigs, business ventures, rental income, investment dividends, and other revenue streams. 

Understanding the full scope of your monthly income is essential for creating an accurate budget, as it sets the foundation for allocating your funds across various categories of spending and saving. This comprehensive view of your income ensures that you plan based on the resources at your disposal.

Categorize Spending Budget - Levered Income

2. Expense Categorization

Expense categorization in zero-based budgeting involves listing and organizing all your expenditures into defined categories.

This detailed inventory should include fixed obligations such as rent or mortgage, utilities, insurance, car payments, and variable expenses like groceries, dining out, and entertainment. Even small, seemingly inconsequential purchases, such as your daily coffee or streaming service subscriptions, must be accounted for. 

This thorough categorization ensures that every dollar you spend is deliberately planned and tracked.

By identifying and categorizing all expenses, you understand where your money is going, which is fundamental to achieving the meticulous allocation that zero-based budgeting demands.

3. Allocation of Funds

Allocation of funds in zero-based budgeting is when every dollar of your income is assigned a specific job within your budget categories.

The key principle is to ensure that your income minus your expenses equals zero, meaning there’s no unassigned or ‘idle’ money left over at the end of your budgeting process. 

If every dollar is given a purpose for expenses, savings, investments, or debt repayment, it eliminates the likelihood of undisciplined spending.

Suppose you find yourself with excess funds after covering your monthly expenses. In that case, these should be intentionally allocated to financial goals, such as boosting your emergency fund, paying down debt, or increasing investment contributions.

This systematic allocation ensures that your income works efficiently towards your financial priorities.

4. Ongoing Monitoring

Ongoing monitoring is a continuous process of tracking your spending against the budget you’ve set for each category.

This vigilant oversight is crucial in zero-based budgeting, where the goal is to ensure that your actual spending matches the planned allocations down to the dollar. 

By closely monitoring your monthly expenditures, you can quickly identify when a category is nearing its limit and adjust your spending accordingly.

This real-time tracking helps prevent overspending in any area and allows you to make immediate adjustments to stay within your budget.

Consistent monitoring fosters disciplined spending and provides useful insights into your spending habits, informing better financial decisions in the future.

Monitor and Adjust Budgets - Levered Income

5. Adjust as Necessary

Adjusting as necessary is a critical practice in zero-based budgeting, where you tweak your allocations to stay on target.

If you exceed the budget in one category, you must compensate by reducing the budget in another area to keep the total spending within your monthly income. Conversely, if you find yourself under budget in a category, you can reallocate the leftover funds to other areas, such as savings, investments, or areas that might have been underfunded.

This dynamic adjustment is crucial as it offers the flexibility needed to deal with the realities of day-to-day spending while still adhering to the overall principles of zero-based budgeting. It’s a balancing act that ensures disciplined financial management without being overly rigid.

6. Start Fresh Next Month

Starting fresh next month is a foundational principle of zero-based budgeting.

At the onset of each new budgeting cycle, usually monthly, you reset all budget categories to zero and begin anew allocation process. This doesn’t mean disregarding the previous month’s data — historical spending patterns are valuable for informed planning — but each dollar must be allocated based on the current month’s income and needs without assumptions based on past budgets. 

This fresh start ensures that each month’s unique circumstances are considered and that every dollar earned is assigned a deliberate role in your financial plan for that specific period. It’s a method that promotes intentional spending and adaptable financial management to maximize the effectiveness of every dollar.

Benefits of Zero-Based Budgeting

    • Waste Reduction: By giving each dollar a job, ZBB minimizes wasteful spending.
    • Goal-Oriented: It aligns spending with your financial goals, as every allocation is intentional.
    • Adaptability: It’s highly adaptable to changes in income and expenses as you reassess your budget monthly.
    • Awareness: ZBB increases your awareness of spending habits, helping you pinpoint areas where you can save.

Potential Challenges of Zero-Based Budgeting

    • Time-Consuming: It requires diligence and time to track every monthly expense.
    • Rigidity: ZBB can feel too restrictive for some, as it doesn’t allow for unplanned spending.
    • Variable Income Difficulty: ZBB can be challenging to implement if your income is highly irregular.

Visual Budgeting Tools - Levered Income

Tips for Success

Use Budgeting Apps

Budgeting apps is a modern approach to simplifying zero-based budgeting (ZBB).

These digital tools are geared towards streamlining the creation and maintenance of a ZBB plan by automating tasks such as tracking income and expenses, categorizing spending, and providing real-time budgeting insights. 

With features like transaction syncing from bank accounts, automatic categorization, and easy-to-read graphs and reports, budgeting apps help reduce the manual effort to maintain a zero-based budget.

They can also alert you when you’re approaching the limits of your budget categories, helping to prevent overspending. By leveraging the convenience and efficiency of budgeting apps, you can focus more on your financial goals and less on the minutiae of budget management.

Regular Reviews 

Regular reviews are vital to successful budgeting, particularly with the zero-based budgeting method.

By dedicating weekly time to review your budget, you stay intimately connected with your financial flow and can make timely adjustments. Weekly reviews allow you to catch and correct any discrepancies quickly, assess the effectiveness of your spending, and ensure you’re on track with your financial goals. 

This habit of frequent check-ins helps prevent the accumulation of errors and oversights that could become overwhelming at the month’s end and provides ongoing opportunities to improve your financial management strategies.

Flexibility Within Categories

Flexibility within categories is an essential aspect of zero-based budgeting that acknowledges the unpredictability of expenses.

While the overarching principle of zero-based budgeting dictates that income minus expenses should equal zero, it’s also pragmatic to allow for a margin of adjustment within specific budget categories. 

If you under-spend in one category, you can afford to reallocate the surplus to another category that may require more funds than initially planned. This flexibility ensures that you can accommodate real-life variances in spending without compromising the integrity of the overall budget. It provides a buffer that can absorb minor fluctuations in spending, making the budget robust and adaptable.


Zero-based budgeting is a powerful tool for those who want a detailed and disciplined approach to managing their finances.

It ensures that every dollar you earn works for your financial goals. While it may require more effort than other budgeting methods, it provides control and clarity, making a significant difference in your financial health. Give it a try, and you might find that ZBB is the key to unlocking your financial potential.

